[MacDV] Re: Mobile Setup

Donna B blktauna at shawstudios.com
Tue Feb 18 12:09:50 PST 2003

on 2/18/03 2:36 PM, Sam Bass at videovideo at mac.com scripsit:

> The Apple recommended set up for FCP and TiBook is to capture on the internal
> hard drive. If you partition a drive, use the first partition (outer) for your
> media files, since this is the faster partition.

Never knew that. Most interesting.
> You do not have to capture clips on one drive and move them to another drive,
> and if you do, you will have to reconnect the file path.
I use strata videoshop dv. I prefer to keep the clips I am working on, in
the internal drive. I store my clips elsewhere. Having only a 3 gig drive
can be a pain. Try sorting through a stack of cds for clips. I have sort of
a phobia about editing on remote drives. If I go to bigger projects I'll
have to get over that.

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