[MacDV] Re: delete imovie2--Help

Gerhard suspice at hay.net
Mon Feb 24 15:41:26 PST 2003

Even in Jag admin is not enough authority to delete this file (I tried
deleting iMovie3 and was told I did not have enough authority), you have
to be root.  OS 9.2 will let you delete it without question.

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Macintosh Digital Video List
[mailto:MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com] On Behalf Of Daniel Beck
Sent: February 24, 2003 6:22 PM
To: Macintosh Digital Video List
Subject: [MacDV] Re: delete imovie2--Help

On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 06:44 AM, SLarsonIH at aol.com wrote:

> This is soooooo un Macintosh like. Soooooo wrong. I know I'm gonna 
> have to
> move to Jaguar some day, but claw marks on 9 are gonna be soooo deep. 
> I sure
> hope Apple gets it to the point you can do anything without going to 
> the
> command line. *sigh* Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated 
> into X. I
> remember when I used to say that about MicroShaft . . .

Well, remember that OS X is still young. AND, anyway, you shouldn't 
have to log in as root to do this (with Jag, you do with 10.1). I 
believe anyone who has admin privileges (which you do if you are the 
owner of the computer) should be able to change ownership with Get Info.

BTW, I don't use the Terminal for anything.


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