[MacDV] Camera selection

Preston PSeyle at mac.com
Mon Feb 24 18:00:45 PST 2003

I have a Sony digital8. they are cheap and actually quite good, but 
unless you need to use it to import Hi8 or regular 8mm into your Mac, 
I'd say go for MiniDV.

I would not get started "collecting" at tape format that you will not 
be able to use with your future camera purchases. I say this assuming 
that you will indeed want to upgrade your camera at some point. And 
you can't do a whole lot of upgrading within the Digital8 lineup.


>I need a camera on a very limited budget. How is the TVR120? I am 
>interested in something that can function as a DV bridge w/o 
>macrovision. I thought the digital 8 would be more economical for 

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