[MacDV] iDVD3- How is it working for you?

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Wed Feb 26 10:03:40 PST 2003

On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 02:32 AM, Craig Busch wrote:

> If you are using iDVD3, I would sure appreciate it if you would tell 
> me how it is working out for you.

A lot of people seem to be having problems, particularly with 10.2.4, 
but its working fine for me on a 867 g4 with 1 GB of memory.  There 
isn't anything particularly special about my system, except perhaps 
that I never have video or projects on my system drive.

I have noticed some bugs / feature changes that are annoying:

-  The buttons with image/movie previews seem to loose the image 
they're manually set to. It seems to relate to how deep the button is 
within the menu tree - sometimes it works, sometimes not.

- The arrow keys used to allow scrolling to a specific frame when 
choosing an image for an image button - the arrow keys don't work now, 
so you're limited to the frames that you can hit with the slider.

- Navigating through the menus while editing is REALLY slow, 
particularly when the movie is still rendiring (i.e. all the time 
you're editing)

  - Two times, I had 30 second trailer clips for the menus that looked 
fine on the screen but had no sound on the burned DVD. Don't know why . 
. .

  - I never use the "movies" tab because I keep my movies primarily on 
an external firewire drive in folders that are always changing names 
based on the project. I just drag-n-drop the movies in the finder onto 
iDVD. IMO, the movies tab is a bad idea because it encourages by 
implication using the system drive for video editing.


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