[MacDV] Re: What am I missing?

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Wed Jan 15 21:25:12 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 06:38 PM, SLarson  wrote:

> I've got the Pioneer 105, iMovie in OSX, and some Quicktime movies. I 
> thought I could get my feet wet burning the Quicktime movies via Toast 
> 5.2 to DVD-RW's that I bought. No can do.

You can do it, but its a lot of trouble. You have to get the QT movie 
into MPEG2 format using something like MediaPipe or another 
converter/encoder and get the audio into MPEG2 or AC3 format. Then you 
can create a burnable image with the program "Sizzle". Once the image 
is created, you can burn that to DVD with Toast. Or you could just use 

> So, I have a few questions. Is iMovie available for OS9, and if so, 
> how do I get it?

Yes - I'd expect its a download on the Apple site.

> Is there any way to import Quicktime movies into iMovie? It looked 
> like it will only import a DV stream.

Export your QT movie as a DV stream using Quicktime Pro

> I bought Memorex (Not my favorite brand) DVD-RW ver 1.1 discs. I tried 
> to  burn data to them, and it wouldn't. There isn't much in the manual 
> about burning DVD's. It burned a couple of CD's with no problem. 
> Suggestions?

What happened? Should work.

> Can you burn a DVD movie to DVD-RW?

Not legally


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