[MacDV] Tooting my own horn a little

Chris Searles csearles at t-online.de
Tue Jul 1 11:12:24 PDT 2003

On Dienstag, Juli 1, 2003, at 07:47  Uhr, Erica Sadun wrote:

> Thank you to everyone on both iMovie and MacDV lists
> who helped beta test, read, make suggestions, etc!
> Gratefully, -- Erica, 1204 at Amazon (yahoo!)
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0782142478
> http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/2003/07/01/solutions/

You might also want to mention this link that will let you see the 
Table of Contents and a sample chapter. (Something which is 
unfortunately missing from the Amazon site):


I was also going to say that the above site offers you a special online 
price, but then I checked and saw that Amazon also has the book for 30% 
off list price. Erica, how in the world is this possible with a book 
like this that has just come out? Does that still leave you with enough 
money on royalties to buy those new shoes for your kids?
: - )

Chris Searles

(By the way, it's a discount they don't extend to international Amazon 
users, i.e. Amazon UK only offers a 10% discount, Amazon Germany, 
www.amazon.de = zilch.)

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