[MacDV] After Effects 6.0

Gary Fujihara fujihara at subaru.naoj.org
Sun Jul 6 23:36:15 PDT 2003

Just discovered Adobe has released After Effects 6.0, which is pretty cool
except that it doesn't currently support certain OpenGL cards like the ATI
Radeon 9800 (an upgrade on the G5...however it does support the same card
for Windows machines).  Does anyone think Adobe will write a Mac driver for
this card?  It seems Adobe fully supports the Windows hardware, but kinda
neglects the Mac platform.

I purchased an unopened After Effects 4.1 Full version on ebay for $127, and
am looking to upgrade for my personal system.  Does anyone know if the After
Effects 6.0 Professional is an equivalent upgrade to AE 5.5 Production

Best Regards
Gary Fujihara
Subaru Telescope - NAOJ
650 N. A'Ohoku Place
Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 934-5972

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