[MacDV] Re: Quality of 8mm film

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Thu Jul 24 08:21:46 PDT 2003

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 07:46 AM, thomas fritscher wrote:

> Super-8 is usually shot on 18 fps. although the better cameras can do 
> 24 or even 56 fps, cheap ones run on 18.

The frame rate is just a reference standard. My parents had (and I 
still have) a Bolex Paillard that would shoot from something like six 
to 56 fps.  You just turn a dial on the side to pick the speed you 
want.  Just because there's a standard speed doesn't mean that the film 
you have was shot at that speed, but its a good starting point.


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