[MacDV] Using Commercial Music in a Video

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Tue Jul 29 23:03:58 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 12:54 AM, Lisa Kirsch wrote:

> other sites seem to suggest that it's okay to use commercial music 
> from the customer's CD. Is this correct? If so, is it because they own 
> the song and I'm just essentially giving it back to them with the 
> video?

No, that's not correct. Buying the CD gives you the right to use the 
music for that specific purpose, not as the audio track for a movie. If 
forget what the industry term for that right is, but its a distinct 
kind of use. Its probably in the realm of "nobody cares" when people 
use their own music as background to movies that they author, but when 
you're doing it for hire, you're moving out of that territory.


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