iMovie 3 import time limits

doublle at doublle at
Wed Mar 12 13:53:11 PST 2003

I'm on Digest Mode, so if someone already posted this, I haven't 
received it yet...
You can use a free applescript available here ( ) to convert any 
Quicktime movie into multiple DV clips.  I've used this a couple times, 
and I assume you could even use the reference movie that iMovie makes 
for you (the one that shows your whole project but is often less than a 
MB).  There are instructions on the page, and it's FREE.

I found out about it at Dan Slagle's excellent iMovie resource site:  ( )

I'd just like to chime in that after struggling with iMovie 3 since the 
day it came out, I'm switching back.  I've encountered every single bug 
that iMovie 2 might have had (we've taught video production with it to 
over 1200 kids with a mobile lab this last year) but iMovie 3 
continually surprises me with new ones.  From exporting with sync loss, 
to exporting with extra noise, to destroying entire source clips when 
the trash is emptied, this program has burned me in every way 
imaginable.  The one thing it taught me was how smooth iMovie is.  (I 
do already miss dragging in movies and editable sound levels, though.

Daniell Krawczyk
Grand Rapids Community Media Center
The MOLLIE Project
> Can anyone address this from experence? What is the value of iMovie now
> being able to do chapetrs if one must chop up the movie into 10 minute
> segments to import to iMovie? 

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