[MacDV] Re: Stupid Question?

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 22 19:15:28 PST 2003

>On 3/22/03 2:48 PM, "Steven Rogers" <srogers1 at austin.rr.com> wrote:
>>  On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 10:59 AM, BigScanner.com wrote:
>>>  Newbie - sorry if this is a dumb question...
>>>  I would like to take some old video tapes and convert them to DVD. The
>>>  videos are about 90 minutes each.
>>>  What (low cost) equipment and software do I need to do this
>>>  successfully with?
>>  You can do it with a VCR to play your tapes (assuming they're VHS) and
>>  something to act as a digital bridge into iMovie and iDVD. If the tapes
>>  are 8mm, you could use a Sony Digital8 camera as the digital source.
>>  You could also skip the computer entirely and just record them with one
>>  of the new DVD recorders that are the DVD version of VHS recorders.
>>  They're kind of expensive though.
>>  SR
>Thanks - yes, they are on VHS tape - and yes, I need "something" to act as a
>digital bridge. Suggestions?

If you can swing $350 and don't need to worry about edits,
just go for a set-top DV recorder and play directly to DVD.
If you need to edit, consider the Canopus ADVC-100.

-- Erica

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