[MacDV] [q] Ideas/advice for OSX Video conferencing software (point to point only needed) over B/B

Jeff Fay jeff.fay at uaf.edu
Mon Mar 24 09:41:23 PST 2003

have you looked at iVisit? http://www.ivisit.com

Jeff Fay
Media Services Technician
Cooperative Extension Service
College of Rural Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 756180
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6180

phone (907) 474-5349
fax (907) 474-5139
pager 1-(877) 705-6923
jeff.fay at uaf.edu

THE STONE AGE did not end because people ran out of stone. The Petroleum Age will not end because we run out of petroleum, but because we develop superior technologies.

Fritjof Capra, physicist and philosopher, speaking at the Bioneers conference, October 2002

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