[MacDV] Grab stills from video

Jack Jacklich drjack at betterendo.com
Sun Mar 30 13:05:08 PST 2003

At 3:02 PM -0500 3/30/03, Richard wrote:
>Does anyone know of an application for OS X that will allow me to grab
>stills from video? I want to grab the stills without having to capture the
>video first. I used to use Promax's FireSnap in OS 8/9 and I could capture
>stills via firewire from a DV source video.
>Anything like this out there for OS X?

I use EyeTV. You can play any video source thru the Mac and to 
capture any still just hit the hot key.

You can also capture live video by hitting another key.

It's a little more expensive than some shareware frame grabbers but 
what the hey, us Mac users are used to that. :)

It compresses the video and since it is already compressed you can 
burn a CD video from it....so I'm told.

So far I use it mostly for watching tv and delayed viewing but it 
really works as advertised.


Dr. Jack Jacklich, 102 Western Court, Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Cell Phone and voice mail(831)901-0317 (831)426-1485 most of the time
Digital Cell Phone Email 8319010317 at messaging.nextel.Com
'Web Page...Endodontics 101'   http://www.BetterEndo.com
AOL Screen Name 'DrJackJacklich'

Life May Have A Rear View Mirror But It Doesn't Have a Reverse Gear

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