Can't Erase File - Help

Charles Martin chasm at
Tue May 6 12:47:58 PDT 2003

> From: animal <animal at>
> Message-Id: <C669F210-7F42-11D7-BA4D-0003939DAB62 at>
> Via a newly purchased formatted hard drive, a pesky file called econ
> technologies has now ended up in my G4 400 (system 9.04).  This G4 has
> and will never be on the internet.  I think econ's an http reference
> file ( to a site which is no longer in
> business.

I assure you that is alive and well and doing 
bumper business. They make some great products, one of which you 
obviously tried out.

> This isn't affecting my system, but is there anyway to get rid of it?

In system 9? Hmmm. The only suggestion I can offer is to boot from a CD 
and see if you can empty the trash that way. Damn, I think we've found 
something that is much HARDER to do in 9 than it is in OS X! :)


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