[MacDV] Re: anyone using a DVD-Recorder?

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon May 12 09:45:00 PDT 2003

At 7:23 AM +0100 5/12/03, Alan Cawson wrote:
>  e behme asked:
>1) Is it possible to generate an opening menu screen, complete with
>still image and a menu-button for the movie to start? The literature
>I have read doesn't really mention how/if this is possible. If not,
>what does the opening screen look like?
>Jim has already covered this.
>2) Can you open the completed DVD-R, extract the AUDIO_TS and
>VIDEO_TS folders and duplicate the DVD with Toast?
>Yes.  The max file size is 4.7 GB so you can also use the Copy function
>with Toast.
>3) I assume the recorder is based on hardware mpeg2 conversion. Could
>one extract those mpeg2 files and use them in other aspects of a
>Not directly but you can use DVD ripper software to get at the mpegs.  I
>have tried some but they are alpha or beta versions and endanger my
>If anyone has used stable dvd rippers please respond.

I've used bbdemux without trouble, numerous times. I've
used Panasonic DMR E-20 encodes from low to good quality.

-- Erica

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