[MacDV] Do not have cash to blow:(

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Tue May 13 13:16:02 PDT 2003

on 5/13/03 8:13 AM, digitalx169 at mac.com at digitalx169 at mac.com wrote:

> Ted,
> Did it not occur to you we do not all have the pro tools not the pocket
> book to go with it? Just like someone said the other day they would
> rather save the money on Screenwriting software and rent a 24p camera. A
> very sensible way of thinking (IMO) if you do not have a lot of cash to
> blow. I just purchased adobe Premiere 6.5 for Mac OS X. I will need now
> to think about what miniDV camera to get (thinking of a Sony TRV-19). I
> have a wife and a son and another little one on the way so I have
> limited monies to spend on my gear. It will take me longer 'yes' to
> write this screenplay out the old fashioned way but nothing comes
> without hard work.
> Chris

Of course, typically, most skimp on the screenwriting end of things.  not
valued as important.  Course, you could say the same about the cameras...

"I just spent money on final draft, so I'm going to shoot on a VHS consumer
cam from 10 years ago... I have a wife and a son and another little one on
the way so I have limited monies to spend on my gear. It will take me longer
'yes' to light and shoot this entertainment the old fashioned way but
nothing comes without hard work."

since the script comes first, invest in the script.  you have no real gain
even buying a cam now, not until you've redrafted that text 20 times...
unless you want to shoot those cutie babies...;)

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