[MacDV] Processors, what can you tell me?

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Thu May 15 09:50:48 PDT 2003

> I've got a Mac G4 tower with a 933.
> Is the processor on this motherboard upgradable?
> Where can I learn more about it? Just curious.  -doug

Yes, it is possible, but at this time probably not worth it, considering you
could probably sell your computer and buy a *new* G4 w/Dual 1.25 GHz
processors -- the price difference being the same as a Dual 1.25 GHz
processor upgrade, which goes for about $1,000.  And along with a faster
processor you get faster system bus, faster memory, faster video, faster
SuperDrive (or SuperDrive period if you don't already have one).  Even the
next slowest Dual 1 GHz processor upgrade is still $800, and a single 1.2
GHz processor upgrade wouldn't make all that much difference in speed and
that one still costs $600.

My suggestion -- wait a year (maybe less) and the upgrade card prices will
be a worthy investment.

If you want to check out what's available (even if you don't buy from them),
check out OWC's website -- click on the "Acceleration" link at the bottom of
the home page and make your selection according to CPU model -- it's pretty




2 cents.

- Mark

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