[MacDV] Re: Firewire HDD Experience

doug lauber dugster77 at earthlink.net
Thu May 15 21:17:27 PDT 2003

Gerhard Kuhn wrote:

> I have a LaCie 80 GB firewire drive and I am happy with it.  The
> aluminum case looks beautiful on my desk.   I believe LaCie only makes
> the cases and puts other manufacturers drives into them in my case a
> 7200 RPM Maxtor.  The only reservations I have is that I am not able to
> capture video to it directly.  After 30 seconds or so the capture stops
> so I have been capturing to the internal drive and then copy that to
> the firewire drive.  An extra step but at the speed of firewire not a
> big deal.
> Gerhard Kuhn
> suspice at hay.net

with a LaCie external fire 60gig HD, I capture directly to it. No problems.
How much ram do you have? Processor speed?   -doug

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