[MacDV] Re: Firewire HDD Experience

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Fri May 16 20:31:23 PDT 2003

On Friday, May 16, 2003, at 09:22  PM, ShirleyK wrote:

> Could you expand on this? I notice they are usually higher-priced than 
> everyone else, so I thought it was because of higher quality. I'm not 
> sure where I got the impression that LaCie  had a good reputation.
> Shirley

LaCie does build quality drives it is just that in my application I am 
unable to capture video to it directly.  The drive was recognized 
straight out of the box and has always performed flawlessly.  The 
problems I experience have more to do with the computer than the drive 
and really are more of an inconvenience than a big problem.  I can edit 
movies that are on the drive, create DVDs, export, just not capture to 
it directly.

The enclosure is really outstanding it is compact, well built with 
quality material, it is quiet and can be mounted in many different 
ways.  I would recommend this drive to others and believe that if I had 
a different brand of drive I still would not be able to capture 


P.S. the actual drive inside the LaCie enclosure is a 80 GB Maxtor.

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

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