[MacDV] Re: Recording Audio cassettes to CD

David Thrasher idave at earthlink.net
Sun May 18 20:42:50 PDT 2003

The signal going out to external speakers is obvious going to be hotter than for headphones because larger speakers need to be driven but headphone output is still hotter than line, and line more than mic level.

Original message:

Message-ID: <20030518142523.50390.qmail at web41613.mail.yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 07:25:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Norm Lamoureux <normdlamoureux at yahoo.com>
Subject: [MacDV] Re: Recording Audio cassettes to CD

Thank's Dave, I guess I was mislead. Do headphones
require the same power as external speakers? I was
told that headphones only use preamp power. Is this
not true.



David Thrasher
5631 Ovid Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50310-1719

idave at earthlink.net

eBay name: daveindezmenez

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