[MacDV] OT: InDesign

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Mon May 19 19:17:52 PDT 2003

On 5/19/03 5:56 PM, "Matthew Guemple" <mo.og at verizon.net> wrote:

> Hey I've inherited a fresh unopened copy of InDesign 2.0.
> If you do any page layout this is without a doubt THE application for
> it. Simply put it blows Quark away.
> $699.00 list. Special discount for any listas that might be
> interested...

Just a little side note here...

The funny thing about InDesign is that most of the functionality it has was
in PageMaker... And the "Pros" thought PageMaker was a "toy" -- but I always
swore by it's significantly greater ease-of-use and more reliable color
reproduction (from RGB or CMYK TIFF or EPS files)...  I know InDesign has
lots of cool new features like the ability to place native Photoshop (with
transparency even) and Illustrator files, but the basic interface is soooo
much like PageMaker...  Adobe probably decided to add some features and
change the name of PageMaker to InDesign to thwart off the "anti-pro" stigma
that went along with PageMaker -- and I never understood why that stigma
existed...  (Quark snobs gave it a bad wrap 'cause it was too easy, er, um,
I mean made sense)...

But uh... Enough of the editorial commentary...  InDesign is a *great*
application!  I don't know if Quark will ever catch up on an ease-of-use and
feature-set basis...

2 cents.

- Mark

> Let me know offlist.
> M
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> Matthew Guemple
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> mo.og at verizon.net
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