[MacDV] Re: OT: InDesign

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Tue May 20 15:31:25 PDT 2003

I'm in the same boat, but found out that they actually built a default  
Quark Keystroke thing into it as well. You can set those prefs and all  
of the old Quark keys like option/apple/D duplicates intstead of the  
one ID has built in.

Just being able to switch to those when I need to crank, really  
increased my ease of use...

Also it's nice not to have to flatten stuff etc.

The weird thing is that some of the things I find sensible and comon in  
Illustrator/PS has diff strokes in ID.
Go figure.

> The thing was a dog until 2.0 came out, but it certainly rocks pretty  
> hard now (though I must admit I'm still more productive in Quark, but  
> hey it takes a long time to unlearn 12 years of QX!).
> _Chas_

Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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