[MacDV] Re: Better Performance of iMovie 3.

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon May 26 20:09:02 PDT 2003

At 11:01 PM -0400 5/26/03, Gerhard Kuhn wrote:
>Actually Erica once you change the size you can resize it to the 
>original size and your performance gains remain.  I find there is no 
>need to keep it small just make sure that you save the project after 
>the resize.

That's not what I've found.

But resizing to the MAX size (not the MIN size) does restore
Preview functionality.

-- E
p.s. For more fun, try a whole bunch of different window sizes
as you "Save Frame". (I forget which one is broken: pict or
jpeg, so try both). Very amusing.

>On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 10:52  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>Yes. That's the window trick. Make it as small as possible.
>>-- E
>Gerhard Kuhn
>suspice at hay.net
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