[MacDV] Re: iTunes Speed Feedback

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue May 27 14:38:42 PDT 2003

Wow! This is news to me. Where did you discover this? I had no idea 
that pipeline stages were increased in newer G4s. Yes I remember 
vividly the January 2001 Pipeline Stage Pitch. I was in the Hall.


On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 02:28  PM, Mark M. Florida wrote:

> Actually I think it went from 7 stages to 10.  Anyone remember the big 
> show
> in January 2001 when Apple showed the differences between the G4's 
> pipeline
> and the P4's?  They showed the G4's 7 stages finishing faster than the 
> P4's
> 20 stages...  Then they go and up the number of stages to 10?  
> Actually, the
> current crop of high-speed G4s may have even more stages than that...  
> To
> get the higher clock frequencies.

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