[MacDV] Re: question about which G4 to buy for digital vido

gail weisman gweisman2 at attbi.com
Sat May 31 13:39:58 PDT 2003

thanks jim, appreciate your speedy response! more answers for you:

> How much can you fford?
well, it would be a montly payment if i'm leasing; if i kept my
old sony 17" monitor and just got the G4 it would be $60 or 70 a month
i could afford that, maybe a little more.

How fast d you need to work?
well, i know how much large files eat up time and ram and hd space using
photoshop, i can only imagine how working with audio and video could get
tediously slow if the machine wasn't fast enough. i don't need to work at
superpseed or anything, but i don't want to have to wait hours to do effects
or anything i would do while editing and producing short documentaries
(that's my goal).

> processors work with your fav app?
> Do you need a Superdrive?
i don't think i need a superdrive, for the time being i'm not sure i need to
press DVDs; i would like to burn CDs for music though. do i need the
superdrive to do that?

as far as apps, i have OLD versions of all pirated software (shhh, don't
call the software police) so i'm bummin out there. i'm going to have to find
some sources because i can't afford $1000 for the new photoshop, another
$1000 for final cut pro, etc., etc,    i'm an unemployed graphic designer
with a temp job, some savings and a good credit rating, but i'm not loaded
or anything (plus i live in the SF bay area which is ridiculously


>> 2. i'll assume you're suggesting the dual boot so i don't have to
>> attempt to
>> figure out a new OS while i'm trying to figure out digital video too?
> That and it will run some of your favorite older stuff.
>> 3. if i have a DV mini cam that firewires right into the harddrive, do i
>> still need the firewire to analog converter? also, if i buy a monitor
>> with
>> digital signal to i need the converter? what exactly is the converter
>> for?
> Converter is to put analog video into Firewire and analog video out of
> firwrrire. Audio too.
> Some cameras can do these transcoding tricks, but leaving your camera
> on just to run the monitor seems a waste, and it;s good to be able to
> run in a VHS beta or other analog tape and good tpo be able to make one,
> even if it's jsut a VHS for the neighbors.
> That's why they make that Dzzle thing that is the lowest on the food
> chain.
>> 4. is the superdrive good because you can burn CDs and DVDs? does it
>> serve
>> another purpose.
> DVD's  that's te deal really . It also does everything else pretty good.
>> 5. is the seagate drive you're talking about external or internal, and
>> what
>> size you do you suggest? also, how much RAM to comfortably edit video
>> and
>> audio?
> I have 1.2 gig of ram. Get it. specifically if I were shopping today I
> would get a seagate 80 gig Barracuda and have it installed in 8 minutes.
>> thanks!
>> Thank you
> Jim
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