Exported audio from FCP 4.1

Richard richard.ttt at verizon.net
Thu Nov 27 06:57:28 PST 2003

For some reason, FCP 4.1 is exporting the audio portion of a DV video clip
with a different frame count than what the video clip is, and what the audio
frame count is in in FCP's timeline.

I have a clip with a duration of 01.59.30;00 in FCP's timeline and that is
what the exported video clip's duration is. But the audio is coming out
sometimes 15 or so frames shorter or longer. The same result with
compressor, QT conversion, and audio Aiff export. It's causing build
failures in DVDSP 2.

The clip is a single capture from a mini DV tape, no editing.

Any ideas?

Is the captured clip corrupted somehow (timecode)? It plays fine in QT
player and FCP's timeline.



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