Au contraire. If you are talking about still image formats, the Picture Viewer program that comes with Quicktime will read many Windows formats and beyond that you can download the program Graphic Convertor to not only view other formats but to convert from one to another. The program is shareware (I think they are still asking $35) and should work even if you haven't paid the fee yet. (I think some batch converting functions are disabled until you enter the registration code.) I don't think I've ever had problems with still file formats from other computers on a Mac, only with some motion formats such as some weird (or not so weird) codecs on AVIs. The only still format I can ever recall having difficulty with is when someone on AOL sent me a picture. The JPEG they sent me was somehow converted into a propriatary version that was viewable using AOL's software. I refuse to do that if they are going to be playing tricks like that. The only work-around in such a case might be to stuff the file with Stuffit or archive it using Compact Pro and send it that way. That way AOL's system doesn't recognize it as a picture and doesn't mess with it. I don't know if it's stopped happening since that time (a few years ago) but for that reason and others I'm really hesitant about recommending AOL as a choice for going on the internet. -Dave Original Message: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 08:39:24 -0800 Subject: [MacDV] Re: Still pics with Panasonic PV-DV201-K camcorder From: ShirleyK <ShirleyKat at> Message-Id: <42ACA99D-20F8-11D8-AD29-000A9575988A at> There are many kinds of memory cards. He should look at his manual and see what type of card it is. SanDisk, Lexar, and others make readers that take many different kinds of memory cards, but they are more expensive than a single type reader ($40 instead of $15-20 at Frys). I think the last one I noticed read 8 different kinds. However, if the files are not stored in ordinary JPEG format, they may still not be readable without the Windows software. Shirley