I just installed a Formac ProTV II yesterday. I'm primarily using it in OS X 10.2.6. I noticed a slightly annoying thing, though. If I have to TV or video capture window any larger than, say, 240x240 or so, right in the middle of the image running vertically there are horizontal lines all over the place. They disappear when I shrink the window somewhat. Is this due to the video system in my Mac? I am using the video system onboard my 7300, not using a PCI card of any kind (other than the Formac). Would this go away if I installed an OS X accelerated video card? -- -- Apple Power Macintosh 7300 Sonnet G3 400MHz w/ OS 9.1 & OS X Jaguar 10.2.6 288MB RAM 10GB IBM UltraStar HD & Yamaha CRW4416SX CD-RW