
Laurie, Richard RLaurie at ligand.com
Fri Oct 17 08:35:52 PDT 2003

Flash movies will play in QuickTime. Although I have not tried this, I
believe you could save in Flash. Open in QuickTime Pro. Save as DV
Stream. Import into iMovie. Add other content. Export entire iMovie
project to tape either back to DV and then to VHS or directly to VHS
either through your camera or AV in/out box. I have a flash movie I
could experiment with if noone else has experience doing this.


<30047149.1066350492242.JavaMail.root at rowlf.psp.pas.earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 19:28:12 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: David Thrasher <idave at earthlink.net>
Subject: [MacDV] Flash to Movie

I just bought a copy of Flash 4 and I was wondering if there was anyone
on this list who's used it. 

I found out that it is possible to output your animation as a Quicktime
movie and I was thinking that if the right settings were used, the file
could then be included in a regular video production after it had been
converted into DV format to import into iMovie. Does anyone have any
tips to share about how to set up your Flash animations and how to
export if your final product is going to be video? I'm sure I'll be
learning a lot of this stuff as I go along but it would be interesting
to hear other people's experiences. 

I know I could have bought Flash MX but its price tag was too steep for
me right now. Anything additional in the MX version that would make it
more suitable for video?


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