[MacDV] Livetype for Final Cut Express users

rfrothgery at earthlink.net rfrothgery at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 26 17:57:48 PST 2003

There was a stand alone version of Livetype.  It was called India 
Titler Pro.  It first came out at the 2001 MacWorld Expo and Apple 
promptly bought the company.
The original came on 24 CDs with a bonus set that another complete set 
of effects.  You might find a copy still on Ebay.  Original cost was 

On Sunday, October 26, 2003, at 04:03 PM, w chrisandheather at shaw.ca 

> Hey,
> Too bad Livetype was not available as a seperate application like 
> Soundtrack is. I am sure Final Cut Express users could benefit from 
> this.
> Chris
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