[MacDV] In defense of eMacs > British Tabloids

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Sun Apr 18 00:55:55 PDT 2004

On Sunday, Apr 18, 2004, at 00:48 Europe/London, illovox at comcast.net 
> My Londoner buddy Richard tells me it's you Brits with the eye for the
> tabloids...Beckham...that model Jordan with the enormous plastic
> hooters...

I do try to keep abreast of linguistic changes, but 'hooter' still 
means 'nose' in around here, so you are conjuring up an image of an 
even more deformed body.

Which reminds me, a colleague at work who doesn't seem to have enough 
to do recently circulated an email "great picture of Jordan". Needles 
to say, when the attachment was duly opened it was revealed to be a 
detailed map of that far off country.

And my eMac showed it just fine.

Colin McDonald

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