[MacDV] Re: iMovie / iDVD pixelation & noise

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Mon Apr 19 08:26:07 PDT 2004

On Monday, April 19, 2004, at 10:45  AM, Mark M. Florida wrote:

> On 4/18/04 11:47 AM, James Asherman at jimash at optonline.net wrote:
>> If you in-house people would hire people like me we'd all be happier.
> A little cranky due to lack of work, eh?  ;-)

Say, quality of work

> I'm a very experienced editor (since '94 on various Mac editing 
> systems),
> and the problems that this thread brought up are due to serious bugs in
> iMovie 4 -- I've seen them myself and the only way to "work around" 
> them was
> not to use iMovie at all.  To those of you claiming there are no 
> problems
> with the way iMovie 4 handles stills, I need to ask:
> - Which version are you using?  iMovie 4 seems to be the culprit.

4.0.   The only problem I have occurs on a second render of the same 
project. Why I don't know.
> - How large are the images?  It made no difference on my system.

Doesn't seem to make any difference here either but most of them are 
regular 720x480.

> - Did you select the images through the iPhoto integration, or manually
> import them?  Mine were manually imported.

I use iphoto. IT makes the cropping and turning so easy.

> - Which OS are you using?  QuickTime version?  10.3.3  and QuickTime 
> 6.5
> here -- latest updates on everything.

Latest everything except OS 10.2.8

> To re-iterate:  the problem is *NOT* due to MPEG2 compression -- even 
> when
> playing out to a TV via DV the image looks HORRIBLE -- way worse than 
> even
> the lowest bit-rate DVD, even worse than VCD!!!  It's obviously a
> scaling/resampling issue in iMovie, and Apple needs to fix it.

There may be a problem but right now I have an image in there that is 
It works fine.
They look sharp as a tack on "print to video" from FCP.

> </rant>
Rant replied

> - Mark

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