[MacDV] export parts of movies

Chuck Kay chuckkay at mac.com
Sat Dec 11 13:49:27 PST 2004

In a roundabout way, yes. Mark your beginning and ending points using 
the crop markers. In the edit menu, select copy then paste. When you 
paste, it will put a copy of the clip in your timeline-just remove it 
and put back in the clip viewer. Select the clip, and get info on the 
clip to see what it's true name is. Understand, that the clip will be 
in the media folder of your current movie. Begin a new imovie. Import 
the copied clip (from the previous movie) into your new iMovie and you 
can export any way you want. You can go back and delete the copied clip 
in the original movie.

On Dec 10, 2004, at 4:03 PM, William Crain wrote:

> Is it possible to export only parts of a movie, not starting at the 
> beginning, to DV using iMovie2.1.2?
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