[MacDV] Re: DVD Skideshows--MacDV Digest, Vol 5, Issue 9

Steve Robertson stever at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 21 06:54:02 PST 2004

On Tuesday, December 21, 2004, at 07:30  AM, Ted Langdell wrote:
>  At my rates, it's about $12 per photo to scan, cleanup, plop into the 
> timeline and size, add motion, etc.)

This discussion of how much to charge for creating slide shows is 
interesting. Another question along this line is how do you find 
customers who want to have their photos transferred to a slide show? 
The traditional method is probably print advertising, but effective ads 
are pretty expensive. Anybody willing to reveal their inexpensive but 
effective methods? And not just for slide shows. These questions could 
apply to anything you can do with a Mac and a digital camcorder or 
camera to generate income.

I'll offer one suggestion based on my experience. I happened to run 
across a professional still photographer who had some experience with 
analog video, but none with digital video or NLEs. He has extensive 
contacts among his still photography clients and a good eye for 
locations, camera angles, etc. He finds the business and acts as the 
video director, while I supply the digital video expertise and take the 
lead while editing. Instead of forming a partnership, I function as a 
sub-contractor. If you have broadband and ten minutes to spare, take a 
look at the streaming version of our first completed project:


Steve R.

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