I just got a new ALPB, with 60G HD, largely unused. BUT I'm importing video from my vidcam--something that never caused problems before--and getting halts, skips, delays. Where do I start looking for a fix? I guess I could move the camera to the iMac or the iBook--both of which imported movies just fine before. But I'd like to have it fixed on this, which should be the fastest movie-maker of all. Could it be that the Hard drive isn't fast enough, tho the computer is? Or can I find a 6-to-9 pin cable that would connect to the faster Firewire port? (but why would I need to when the "old" one works fine on the iBook?) You can see that my tek knowledge is pretty scant. -don Is there any reason that marriage has to be solely between two living humans? What's to stop me from marrying my dog or/and my computer? I LUVVV my Mac!