[MacDV] Applying for my first production grant

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Wed Feb 11 09:19:35 PST 2004

Sorry for the late response on this thread, 

I've received two grants from the London Arts Council for photography projects 
and my advice would be to start small. Apply for a grant from your local 
municipality if they fund such projects. I think most meduim sized cities in 
the province have arts support of some kind. But I agree with one of the other 
people who responded who said you should produce something on your own first to 
show any funding agency you are serious and have artistic merit. Once you have 
a few projects under your belt then you can think about applying to larger 
agencies like the Ontario Arts Council/Trillium/Canada Council etc...For an 
Ontario Arts Council grant you will need to show them a substantial body of 
previous work and have prepared a thorough budget and statement of artistic 
direction. Sucessfully completing smaller projects for other agencies will show 
them also that you can be trusted to produce what you say and that you will 
spend the public's money wisely. 

all the best


Quoting Chris Zayachkowski <digitalvideoboy at hotmail.com>:

> Hey,
> Sorry for those who sort of feel this is off topic (I guess it is). How does
> one go about (I am from Ontario, Canada here) applying for a production 
> grant ($5000.00) as an emerging artist if one has not produced any works 
> yet? The Ontario Arts Council has such a grant available but thye require 
> supporting visual/audio portfolio work. Any ideas? Suggestions?
> Chris

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