[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Pro versions FS

illovox at comcast.net illovox at comcast.net
Fri Jul 2 12:15:06 PDT 2004

on 7/2/04 6:34 AM, matblack at mac.com at matblack at mac.com wrote:

> On Jul 1, 2004, at 11:40 PM, illovox at comcast.net wrote:
>> on 7/1/04 7:43 PM, Daniel Beck at danielbeck at mac.com wrote:
>>>> Anyway now that we have established that FCP3 Academic is upgradable
>>>> to 4 (and I assume HD) ... anyone interested in FCP3 for $300? With
>>>> that plus the upgrade you will still save $300 or so...
>>> Wasn't $300 the price you paid for it in the first place? That's what
>>> I
>>> payed for the Academic version.
>> Here we go...

The KeyMaster from Ghostbusters, eyebrows turned up at the middle, high
pitched quivering voice, small stature:  "But I would want to get a better
deal and why wouldn't this guy want to sell it for less and just help me buy
it at his loss and I deserve a break because I don't often get breaks and
really he got some use out of it so shouldn't he have to take some loss
because it's used like a an old sofa and I wouldn't want to buy an old sofa
at retail unless it was an antique then I would pay more and even though
it's digital and there is no loss and it's not fair that he should get all
his money out of it because I never get all my money back after selling
stuff I buy so why should he and the moral thing is that there is a rip off
here and that's not right I don't want to se a rip off here so I must
protect the list and then people will like me and that's because I know the
right thing and I can tell them what the right thing is even though we all
live in America where the real right thing is to sell high and buy low at
all costs 'cause no one else is gonna take care of me and..."

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