[MacDV] Re: How to rip a VCD?

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 27 16:08:15 PDT 2004

At 1:24 PM +0300 7/26/04, Matti Haveri wrote:
>>  > Why is that The Finder cannot copy the "AVSEQ01.DAT" file?

VCDs use a different CD format

Quoting me:

There are a number of issues when it comes to VCD playback,
not just reflectivity. You've got to have the proper software
to decode and play the data. Also, your playback system has to
be cognizant of the different CD format. (White Book vs Orange
Book or Yellow Book ISO 9660 standards). VCDs use Mode2/Form2
which allows for higher data transfer rate for media that's more
tolerant of errors (little changes in audio or video may not be detected
by human senses). So to keep the data rate high, they basically
skip error correction codes. Your built-in CD drive which is
trying to read using Yellow Book (which is mode 1) can freak
at the lack of error correction.

-- Erica

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