[MacDV] Any fix for FCP 4 "unexpectedly quit"?

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Fri Mar 5 09:00:35 PST 2004

Try setting up a brand-new user account and see if you still get the problem
when trying to launch it under that new account.  If it works, then maybe
you have a corrupt preference file or some other oddity in your original
user account.

- Mark

On 3/5/04 6:03 AM, YangZone at aol.com at YangZone at aol.com wrote:

> FCP 4.1.1 will no longer load on my 1GB 10.3.2 TiBook. Before it makes it to
> the desktop the error "unexpectedly quit" arrives.
> After running Disk Warrior 3, Cocktail and Disk Utility with no luck I deleted
> everything Com-F can find on FCP (prefs in both Libraries etc), emptied the
> Trash, restarted and re-installed and updated everything. I even tried
> swiitching users. No joy.
> The (new) installation runs when I boot from an external Volume and this is OK
> for now but I would prefer to run the OS from the TiBook and to keep the media
> external.
> I would like to avoid a clean OS reinstall but this looks like the option I
> face... unless...
> any ideas?
> PJ

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