[MacDV] Change Target Drive in iMovie?

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Fri Mar 12 10:21:08 PST 2004

On Friday, March 12, 2004, at 01:15  PM, Paul Bravmann wrote:

> I'm using imovie after a long hiatus--want to import a couple of hours 
> of
> wedding footage which I plan to edit using FCE.
> my first question is, how do I change imovie's target disk? (I'd like 
> the
> clips to go to my external drive--my startup disk is too small.)

Make a new iMove project.
When the prompt window comes up for the new project name, direct it to 
the other disk.

> my second question: how do I then get those clips into FCE?

Import the media file from your iMovie project into the browser and 
choose them from there. Expect some audio rendering. (minimal)

> thanks,
> phb
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