[MacDV] iMovie Sound ?

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 13 17:55:09 PST 2004

At 7:27 PM +0000 3/13/04, Neil Bennett wrote:
>I'm trying to import MPEG files into iMovie 3.0.3
>Th iMovie book that I bought suggests that I open the MPEG file with 
>Quicktime Pro, which I have, and export the file as a DV file. I 
>then import the newly created DV file into iMovie, but when I play 
>the clip there is no sound. The picture is fine, just no sound. Can 
>anyone point me in the right direction please.

Demux the MPEG to recover the audio and video streams.
Use converters to put the audio and video into a data
format that can be read by iMovie.

-- Erica

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