[MacDV] More than 90 minutes in iMovie

Brian Berge newbrian at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 28 10:54:34 PST 2004

On 3/28/04 8:57 AM, "Norm Lamoureux" <normdlamoureux at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>      I am using iMovie 3. I have heard you cannot
> burn a DVD longer than 90 minutes. If not, is there a
> way to do it? It would be good to be able to use the
> whole 2 hours on the DVD media. I have 2 hours of
> video I need to put on one disc.
> All input is appreciated,
>Norm L.

Hey Norm,
I bought iLife 04 which includes Imovie 4, iDVD 4, iTunes 4 and Garage Band.
I must say that iMovie and iDVD have improved GREATLY.....iDVD does now
include recording upto 2 hours!!!! Plus lots of great new features...

Brian Berge
newbrian at sbcglobal.net
³Relax, Don¹t worry, Have a home brew²

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