[MacDV] Video PSAs

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Sun Mar 28 15:32:26 PST 2004

On Sunday, Mar 28, 2004, at 23:27 Europe/London, Gary Fujihara wrote:

> Aloha. I am working on some video PSAs for my organization, and was 
> hoping to get a critique from people on this list.  The videos are 
> located here:
> http://mkooc.org/ft.html
Took a while to load but very interesting. I've never seen such a large 
video image size over the internet.
It has nearly 7 seconds of black screen at the beginning - is this 
intentional? I thought it wasn't working at first. Also, the web 
address towards the end was a bit hard to read.

> http://mkooc.org/Openhouse.html
Short and to the point - I like the "hands on" bit!

I hope this is helpful. Thanks for posting it.

Colin McDonald

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