[MacDV] More than 90 minutes in iMovie

Wayne E. Miller mothbal2 at ix.netcom.com
Tue Mar 30 07:02:53 PST 2004

I have a G4 1.25 GHz PPC, 10.3.2.  I installed a
Pioneer DVR-107, and installed PatchBurn II.

I input my VHS tapes using Canopus ADVC 100,
capture, edit and add titles of the tapes using iMovie 4.
I do some final editing in Quicktime Pro 6, and then
export "Movie to MPEG2". I use SoundStudio 2
to increase the volume of the .aif sound track, seems
all of my VHS tapes have low sound.

I then use A.Pack, part of theDVD Studio Pro 2 package,
to compress the audio. I compile the DVD using DVD
Studio Pro 2, adding menus, photos, etc.. I drag the
output folders "VIDEO_TS" and "AUDIO_TS" onto
Toast 6 and burn a DVD-RW. Once I have checked
the DVD-RW on my DVD player I burn a final DVD-R.
In doing it this way I have been able to load at
least 2 hours and 20 minutes of tape onto a DVD.

Here is a web page that explains how to use A.Pack to
compress your audo.


Hope this helps.


I compile the
data using

Norm Lamoureux wrote:

> Hi all,
>        I am using iMovie 3. I have heard you cannot
> burn a DVD longer than 90 minutes. If not, is there a
> way to do it? It would be good to be able to use the
> whole 2 hours on the DVD media. I have 2 hours of
> video I need to put on one disc.
> All input is appreciated,
> Norm L.

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