What to do with my (dead) Snow iBook?--MacDV Digest #2690

Ted Langdell ted at tedlangdell.com
Sun May 2 16:34:06 PDT 2004

On May 2, 2004, at 5:30 AM, an unhappy Chris :( wrote to Macintosh 
Digital Video List :

> Message-ID: <275290-22004561193014631 at M2W047.mail2web.com>
> From: "chris at beliefpictures.ca" <chris at beliefpictures.ca>
> Subject: What to do with my Snow iBook G3/500
> Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 15:30:14 -0400
> Hey,
> Assuming my iBook is dead (probably is) is it worth fixing? I did not
> realize that had this much problems (mechanically)=2E I guess I got a 
> real=
> lemon! I purchased htis unit from a guy who sells used Mac systems=2E I
> purchased it from him on eBay=2E The company (urbancomputer=2Ecom) has 
> not=
> responded to my e-mails being I am expecting a full refund=2E The guy 
> (Cra=
> ig)
> sold me a computer that does not work=2E What do you think I should 
> do? Am=
>  I
> being unreasonable? All I know is I am out $850=2E00 CDN=2E
> Chris:(

Sorry to hear about your unhappy experience.

DO check with an authorized Apple repair facility and see what they 
suggest.  As others have indicated, there might be a repair covered by 

Was the item guaranteed by the seller to be "non-DOA"  (Dead on 

What kind of feedback did other buyers leave on eBay about the guy?

You can leave feedback, too.  That often gets someone's attention.

You can also contact eBay and see what they might suggest.

Ted Langdell
Ted Langdell Creative Broadcast Services
Marysville, CA

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