Countdown leader--MacDV Digest #2691

Ted Langdell ted at
Mon May 3 00:28:03 PDT 2004

On May 2, 2004, at 6:55 PM, Macintosh Digital Video List wrote:

> Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 18:49:03 -0700
> Subject: Re: [MacDV] Wanted: count down sequence clip
> From: <illovox at>
> Message-ID: <BCBAF31F.1F781%illovox at>
> on 5/2/04 6:06 PM, Juan M at juanm at wrote:
>> I am looking for a "countdown sequence" to put at the beginning of an
>> iMovie or FCE video, you know the old 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ... type count
>> down.
>> Yes, I know I could make one pretty simply but is there one out there?
> I could use this too.
> ------------------------------

In FCP's  "Print to Video" function, there's an option for a countdown. 
  You can either use the FCP made one, or select a (QT) file to insert.

They're easy enough to make in most editing programs, and a circle wipe 
that's one second long will have 30 frames.

If you find or use one that's an academy leader for film... the frame 
rate is 24 frames per second and it only has 24 frames.  An issue if 
you want your circle with the moving "clock hand" to accurately reflect 
the amount of time per second.

Ted Langdell
Ted Langdell Creative Broadcast Services
Marysville, CA

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