QueFire CD burners

Paul Knight paul.knight at internet.co.nz
Sat May 15 14:31:41 PDT 2004

>At 5:15 AM -0700 5/15/04, David Cole <themixguy at mac.com>  wrote:
>Why the pan of?

I was replying to Stephen Kerney's earlier "ready-to-buy" question 
about burning DVD's .  I have had 3 QUE Fire burners, one at work and 
one at home plus one which was replaced early because it wouldn't 
work.   Conflict between the hardware, its software, and other 
extensions made them totally unreliable.  If by chance the burner 
could be found, it worked OK,  but....... Whether using the original 
QUE software, bundled Toast LE or the full Toast software, it was 
seemingly just a matter of chance that the system would find the 
burner.  Prayer made no difference, neither did a stream of 
profanity.  I more than once got advice from the HelpDesk which was 
basically about which extensions to switch off.  Which I had done 
They are definitely not good for the health.
from Paul Knight
(JapanEd)  <www.japaned.com>
43 Burn Street,  Levin,  New Zealand  5500
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eMail:  paul.knight at internet.co.nz

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