[MacDV] Quicktime ain't so quick, post download.

illovox at comcast.net illovox at comcast.net
Mon May 17 15:04:23 PDT 2004

on 5/17/04 9:27 AM, Bobbo at bobbo924 at earthlink.net wrote:

> I just downloaded the Quicktime 6.5 update. As with many new Apple
> upgrades(God,I should know better), I am now experiencing problems.
> Specifically, when I try to connect via Safari to a quicktime movie, most
> recently an Apple seminar at their own website, I invariably get a message
> that some necessary software is missing, and that, "unfortunately, it is
> not available on the Apple server." Great.
> Has anyone seen this? Any recommendations to allow me to view Apple
> quicktime using Apple quicktime on Apple's site and elsewhere? Any
> suggestions appreciated. I could reboot and use 9.2.2/QT5, but alas, more
> and more is being posted in QT6 format.
> Thanks,
> Bobbo

6.5 working fine for me.  :S

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