[MacDV] Camcorder

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 3 09:29:29 PST 2004

At 5:27 PM +0000 11/3/04, Neil Bennett wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>It is fast approaching my sons birthday (12 this time). He has his 
>own G4 (early model, very slow by today's standards) and is looking 
>to add a camcorder. Can you point me in the right direction in terms 
>of selecting a 'cheapish' camcorder that will work with iMovie 4 
>I'm based in the UK.
>Thanks, as always.


Do you have pawnshops in the UK that work like the ones
in the US do? (Selling cheap, used, unclaimed electronics?)

-- Erica

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