[MacDV] re: iMovie sound

Lee Rose leerosejr at mac.com
Wed Nov 10 19:59:32 PST 2004


You don't have to extract the sound from a clip in the timeline. Select 
the clip (or clips) you want the audio from, then go to Edit>Share. 
Choose QuickTime, then Expert Settings. Make sure you check Selected 
clips only. Then choose Export: Sound to AIFF and also 41.1 Khz 16 bit 
stereo. The exported AIFF clip can be dragged into iTunes directly, and 
then converted (if you choose) to any of iTunes supported formats. (You 
can, of course, do audio editing in iMovie before you Share. If you 
don't save the project, you won't keep the edits in iMovie, if you 
don't want them.)

Hope that helps
Lee Rose

Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 17:03:16 -0500

If I extract the audio from a clip in the clip viewer, how do I get it
out of iMovie to use somewhere else -- say iTunes?

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